The boss and his work
Pedro Vega
Road communication between Madrid and Andalusia
in both directions has already improved. José Blanco,
Minister for Public Works, inaugurated 14.1 kilometres of
the road through the National Despeñaperros Park on
26 September.
The two road sections open to traffc are
situated between the townships of Santa
Elena (Jaén) and Venta de Cárdenas (Ciu-
dad Real) and are on the road to Madrid.
Stretching over 9.4 kilometres, the sections
are between the Aldeaquemada and Santa
Elena link, 4.5 kilometres long on the way
to Andalusia.
Pedro Vega, the project manager has been
responsible for this major project. He wor-
ked jointly with a great team: Ignacio Fe-
rraro, head of the Technical offce; Gema
Pradas, surveyor; Juan Diego Romero
Martinez, Department manager; Pedro
Córdoba, Quality supervisor; José Mon-
toro, head of topography; Javier Castro,
head of Ground movements; María Cruz
Molina, in charge of Structures; José Ra-
món Noguera, head of tunnels; Guillermo