Page 60 - FCC-N9-eng

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.A.S.A. a private,
positioned wast
So far, 2011 has been a year of great suc-
cess for the .A.S.A. Group. After analyzing
earnings performance in the frst six months
of the year I can inform you that the Group’s
sales were up by 8% year-on-year, and
approximately 75% of this growth was dri-
ven by our international activities in Central
and Eastern European countries.
A good part of this trend is due to the re-
covery of almost all of the national econo-
mies in countries where we operate. I refer
specifcally to industrial production which
slowly climbing back to levels similar to tho-
se before the onset of the crisis. This im-
plies greater production of commercial and
industrial waste which of course, also im-
plies greater proftability. In addition .A.S.A.
has succeeded in reducing its net fnancial
debt by approximately 18 million Euros in
comparison with June 2010 and we enjoy
very solid fnancials, to the beneft of our f-
nancial partners, suppliers and clients.
Meanwhile, .A.S.A. is on track to achieve a
debt-free positioning within a term of 2-2.5
years despite the strong investment efforts
of the past few years (for example, the 90
million Euro investment in the Zisterdorf in-
cineration plant).
With these results, .A.S.A. is contributing
to fulflling FCC Group’s debt reduction
objective. The media reports that not all
European countries have such a promising
economic situation. Our goal, therefore,
is to focus our efforts to support the FCC
Group objective. Although the impact on
our company is slightly negative, since in-
vestment opportunities are currently dwin-
dling, over the long term this will be be-
nefcial when the economic crisis in those
countries bounce back.
From now onwards, our parent company
will be giving us its strong support, provi-
ding the opportunity to start new activities
in our existing business areas and even the
possibility of branching out in new countries
.A.S.A. is contributing
to fulflling FCC’s
debt-reduction objective
CFO of .A.S.A.
By: Björn Mittendorfer