Page 44 - FCC-N9-eng

SEO Version

hands out the prizes for the
Prevention of Occupational Hazards
Among those present at the event were
Mar Alarcón Castellanos, General Manager
the Regional Institute of Safety and Health
of the Madrid Autonomous Community;
Olga Fernández Martínez, director of the
Centre for New Technologies attached to
the National Institute of Safety and Health
at the Work Place Fernando Serrano, se-
cretary general of DECOMA (COCO); and
Theodora Escorial Clemente, deputy se-
cretary of the General Secretariat of MCA
Baldomero Falcones, FCC Chairman and CEO,
presided the award ceremony held at Torre Picasso
for the 1st edition of the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards Awards
From left to right: Francisco Martín Monteagudo (FCC’s general manager of Human Resources); Olga Fernández Martínez (director of the Centre for
New Technologies of INSHT) ; Mar Alarcón Castellanos (general manager of labour at the Madrid Autonomous Community and director of the Regional
Institute of Safety and Health); Baldomero Falcones Jaquotot (Chairman and CEO of FCC); Fernando Serrano Pernas (secretary general of the Construc-
tion Federation of the trade union CCOO, Fecoma); Teodoro Escorial (deputy secretary of the General Secretariat of MCA (UGT); and, Vicente Cerezuela
(Fleet manager at FCC and the sculptor responsible for designing the prizes).