Page 41 - FCC-N9-eng

SEO Version

Social responsibility
La depuradora de aguas residuales de
Medina del Campo ha permitido re-
crear un pequeño humedal en el que se
han asentado numerosas especies de
aves y otros animales, propiciando no
sólo la recuperación de las aguas del
río Zapardiel, sino también la protec-
ción de especies que empezaban a ser
escasas, o desconocidas, en la zona.
La empresa responsable, Aqualia, ha
recibido numerosos reconocimientos
por esta actuación ejemplar de desa-
rrollo sostenible.
Depuradora de
agua y humedal
para refugio a la
fauna salvaje
Fridays at the Retirement Home is one of
the many activities carried out by FCC vo-
lunteers at the Nuestra Casa de Collado
Villalba (Madrid) retirement home to ac-
company the elderly residents.
Since its inception, the objective of FCC’s
corporate volunteer program is to have
employees become involved in charity
work and is in line with the goals of the
Esther Koplowitz Foundation which has
been intensely involved for many years
in beneft of members of the community
most in need and is funded solely and
exclusively by the contributions of Esther
The activities of the Esther Koplowitz
foundation are so important that it seems
totally convenient to develop the FCC
Corporate Program to complement the
activities carried out by the Foundation in
the feld of social aid.
In 2001, the Esther Koplowitz Foundation
donated the Nuestra Casa de Collado Vi-
llalba to the Madrid Autonomous Commu-
nity. This retirement home has two foors.
The elderly suffering from serious disea-
ses such as Alzheimer and arteriosclero-
sis live on the frst foor while those who
enjoy a better quality of life are housed in
the second foor. It also has a day-care
centre which provides services to the el-
derly, those who are dependent or require
With the same objective in mind, the
Foundation in 2003 donated to the Bar-
celona city council the La Nostra Casa de
Fort Pienc retirement home with 137 beds
in single and double rooms plus a day-
care centre to provide services to another
30 individuals.
In 2004, the Foundation gave the Valencia
city council the La Nostra Casa de Va-
lencia home which provides services and
housing facilities to people with serious
mental disabilities or to those suffering
from other physical disorders. Featuring
the most modern equipment and resour-
ces for the treatment of these disabilities,
the home has 60 beds for residents and
for another 40 individuals at its Day-Care
Program aligned to the Esther
Koplowitz Foundation objectives
Retirement Home”
nas detailing their origin and an entertaining
story about Queen Isabella II, Montes des-
cribed the geographic areas where each
species can be found.
The audience expressed its interest in the
presentation and asked about the average
life of the various types of butterfies and the
species that could be found near the Colla-
do Villalba Retirement Home, such as the
Siete Picos in the mountain range north of
Madrid, and also about the origin of the Silk
route in the Orient. Montes had only one
request for the audience, urging them to be
considerate and kind to butterfies.
At the end of his presentation he explained
his interest and knowledge about butter-
fies. The answer is as simple as asking:
Why? One of the most interesting ques-
tions, he said, was why butterfies were
able to survive other more powerful and
stronger animal species.
The F undation is committed to building
another similar home in Valencia, one in
Valladolid, and also plans to enlarge the
Fundación Nido residence in Madrid for
patients suffering from cerebral palsy.