Social responsibility
The United Nations General Assembly proclai-
med 2011 the International Year of Forests to
promote awareness on management, conserva-
tion and sustainable development of all types of
“Forests for People” is the principal theme of the
year, highlighting the special dynamics between
forests and the populations whose livelihoods
depends on forests. The United Nations Forum
on Forests Secretariat (UNFF) acts as the coor-
dination centre for Forests 2011 with the sound
support of the United Nations Food and Agri-
cultural Organization, in collaboration with go-
vernments, the Forest Collaboration Association
(FCA), and other major organizations. Forests
2011 provides an unprecedented opportunity
for focusing on the interconnectivity between
people and forests. Local, national, and regio-
nal entities around the world are encouraging
the scheduling of events such as Forest 2011
based on their interests and unique situations
as well as keeping in contact with those who
are active in felds that have not been associa-
ted traditionally with forests in order to integrate
forests in their ideas.
International Year of Forests 2011