Social responsibility
“Por ser niñas”
On 27 September, PLAN, a non-proft or-
ganization, celebrated the frst Business
Seminar “Po ser niñas” (Because they are
girls) in which the FCC Group took part as
a company.
Rosa María Calaf, the journalist acted as
the moderator of the seminar. A rose-colo-
ured bracelet was designed specifcally for
The PLAN España and the
business sector alliance
improve the quality of life
of many boys and girls,
the families, and their
this campaign to obtain funds to be able
to help 62 million girls who do not attend
school. The girls suffer from double discri-
mination; because of their gender and their
extreme poverty. The aim of the campaign
is to ensure that boys and girls enjoy the
same opportunities so that they can look
forward to a better future.
The organization, based on several reports,
disclosed several statistics which indicate
that an additional year of schooling repre-
sents a 10-20% increases in girls’ future in-
come. Women reinvest 90% of their inco-
me in their homes whereas men only invest
between 30 and 40%.
“Investing in adolescent girls is precisely the
catalyst that poor countries need to overco-
me inter-generational poverty and promote
a better distribution of income. Investing in
them is not only fair, but also a brilliant eco-
nomic play”, Robert B. Zoellick, the Chair-
man of the World Bank has stated.
FCC, a citizen services company commit-
ted to social causes, lent its auditorium at
Torre Picasso for this event where the cam-
paign to beneft the education of girls in de-
veloping countries was announced.
PLAN is an international community
development organization which focu-
ses on children. It works in 66 coun-
tries, has more than 8,000 employees
and 60,000 volunteers. The organiza-
tion develops 7,318 projects which di-
rectly beneft 28 million boys and girls.
FCC is specially committed to this
organization since its Chairman and
CEO, Baldomero Falcones, is a mem-
ber of its Board of Trustees.
PLAN, focused
on children
In addition to FCC, other co-responsible
companies participated such as the cate-
ring company La Solera, Banco Popular,
Alda, A.T. Kearney, Pavofrío, and Famosa.