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An alternative fuel with high calorifc
value, chlorine-free, dry, easily handled
and stable.
RDF fuel
with Uniland, a subsidiary of Cementos
Portland Valderrivas Group (majority ow-
ned by the Group chaired by Baldomero
Falcones) to supply RDF for the kilns in its
Catalonia plants. This collaboration, which
is the result of an agreement signed bet-
ween Uniland and FCC Ámbito, enables the
The facility converts industrial
non-hazardous waste into an
alternative ecological fuel that can be
used in cement plants and
similar facilities.
group to make optimal use of the waste it
generates and to reduce its CO
and ecological footprint.
Environmental advantages
This plant also reduces the use of contro-
lled landflls, a limited resource, which can
now focus strictly on non-reusable waste.
Producing RDF enables the company to
optimize recycled waste, the bulk of which
comes from FCC Ámbito’s plants, whe-
re the recoverable fractions (paper, car-
dboard, plastic, metal, etc.) have already
been extracted.
Among the key environmental advantages
is the fact that this new fuel will signifcantly
reduce CO
emissions and provide signi-
fcant savings due to fuel substitution and
unused CO
emissions allowances since
one ton of RDF can offset more than one
ton of CO