The project, built and
fnanced by FCC and OHL,
was the work of the
architect Ignacio Vicens
who has designed the
stages for the Pope’s
visits since 1982.
FCC contributed to the construction of the
Cuatro Vientos Altar for the World Youth
Day. The day’s most important event was
High Mass celebrated on 21 August at
Madrid’s Cuatro Vientos Airfeld.
FCC’s mayor shareholder and Deputy
Vice-chairman, Esther Koplowitz, was
among the numerous representatives of
Spain’s political and business community
were present at the Mass celebrated by
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, together
with nearly one and one half million faithful
from all over the world also came to see
the Pope and to hear Mass. Esther Ko-
plowitz defned the events at the World
Youth Day as “an explosion of spirituality,
a message of solidarity to all who are con-
cerned about value, principles and ideals”.
A team of more than forty people worked
to build the macro-scenario where Pope
Benedict XVI celebrated the Vigil on 20
August and the Holy Mass and Eucha-
rist on Sunday the 21st. The project was
headed by Leticia Ontillera García, Project
assistant; Francisco J. Pelluz Cuesta, re-
presentative of the Madrid Edifcación III
offce; Manuel Martinez Nebreda, head
of the department; José Page Racionero,
Project supervisor; Fernando Oreja Igar-
tua, Head of the Technical Offce; Beatriz
Hernández Castanedo, Project techni-
cian, and Miguel Ángel Lanchas Jiménez,
who built