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network. For these bacteria food and care are essential for their survival, the same as with any pet.

What sets Bletchley’s LTP apart from the rest?

There are several factors that make this plant unique. Firstly the desnitrifcation pro-cess (there are only 3 plants in the United Kingdom that apply this process and two of these plants belong to us. The other dif ferentiating factor is the way that the tank is built. Several modular concrete segments are used to build the tanks, forming a con-centric structure in order to reduce costs and so that it takes up less space. The con-centric form of the tank enables us to insert two tanks within one of these thus saving space.

Lastly, we have an ultra-fltration system that applies the most advanced technolo-gy for fltering solid materials from treated leachates. There are not many systems like this one and the technology used is impres-sive.

How long does it take to build one of these tanks?

The preparation work in the initial phase of the project began in the summer of 2010 and by autumn we were ready to start buil-ding the main treatment plant. This cons-truction phase of the plant was completed

in June 2011 and immediately afterwards, the commissioning phase began.

Besides Bletchley, what other centers will be sending their leachates to the plant?

There are future plans for accepting surplus leachates from Calvert. That plant has its own system but it still transports surplus leachates by cistern trucks for treatment at third-party installations. We have a permit for treating 200 m a day most of which co-mes from Bletchley. This is the maximum amount of treated leachates that we can dump in the sewage network each day, equivalent to 10 cistern truck loads.

What are the challenges that you fore see for the plant or have there been any during its construction phase?

One of the greatest challenges that we had to face was transferring existing services

such as gas pipes from the landfll site, high-voltage cables, fber optic cables, and telephone lines. We were also concerned about ftting in the plant at the space that we had available to us and were also con-cerned about conserving and protecting trees surrounding the plant. Those trees have caused us some problems since the leaves block some of the flters and we are

¡Super modern fltering system!

Howard Robinson, Environment Manager – testing the liqueur is not an experience for delicate noses!

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