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watches. Carmen as a journalist collabo-rates with the fnancial digital newspaper Diario Abierto.
She is also the author of “Príncipe de Cora-zones” and “La Infanta Elena. La reina que pudo ser”. During her visit to the residen-ce the journalist recorded the testimony of the residents José Manuel Fernández and Justo Muñoz on their daily routine at Co-llado Villalba which can be viewed at the following link:
In mid-June, Carlos Falcó, the Marquis of Griñón, visited Collado Villalba to speak about the 7,000 years’ history of wine, with a slide projection on his research on its origin, how it spread throughout the Me-diterranean, and its introduction in Spain. Falcó is considered an expert in the sphere
of winemaking and has been a pioneer in updating this industry and in the production of excellent wines in Spain.
The head of Corporate Social Responsibi-lity, Javier López Galiacho, participated in conference at the Nostra Casa de Barce-lona home, giving a speech on the legal aspects of Spanish “coplas”. He supported his conference with a slide projection of po-pular songs by artists such as Concha Pí-quer, Miguel Molina, and Manolo Escobar.
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