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FCC is awarded a 62.5 million contract for the Olsztyn local train in Poland

The city of Olsztyn (located 200 kilometers to the north of Warsaw) has awarded FCC Construcción a 62.5 million euro contract to design and build the city’s local train sys-tem.

The project calls for the design and cons-truction of a local train line measuring 11.5 km long with 19 stops running parallel to the existing tracks or to the new tracks un-der construction and is divided into three sections: a central, dual line leading to the Central Train Station and two branch lines providing access to the University and the

city’s historical centre, respectively, which will substantially improve the Polish city’s urban transport network.

The construction of the main line entails

The award of this contract for a local railway is part of the Upgrading and Development Program for the Public Transport System sponsored by the local authorities of this Polish city to provide the city with a modern infras-tructure.

The Upgrading and Development


The railway is 11.5 km long and has 19 stops. The new contract expands the international portfolio of urban transport infrastructures.

the performance of additional work such as the construction of Obiegow Avenue, a new two-lane road measuring one kilo-meter long, and the conditioning of current streets and intersections to accommodate the train.

The Citizens Services Group will build a via-duct over the Lyna River which will provide access to the university, thereby equipping this historically industrial Polish city with the infrastructure needed to serve an increasin-gly cosmopolitan population.

Finally, FCC will restore all affected services, rainwater drains and road signals, in short, all of the work needed for the train to blend seamlessly into the cityscape.

The local train award is part of a Public Transport Upgrading and Development Program sponsored by the Polish city which is intended to equip the city with more mo-dern infrastructures.

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