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had been left behind”.

The management teams played an impor-tant role in this convention. José Luis de la Torre, the CEO of the FCC Services divi-sion took his turn following the chairman’s speech. He went over the main objectives of his division after which, Agustín García Gila, Tomás Núñez, Fernando Moreno, Au-relio Blasco and Carlos Barón took the foor. They were followed by Proactiva’s mana-ging director, Ramón Rebuelta who gave a speech on “Latin America, as a growth market for FCC Servicios”, and the mana-ging director of Alpine Energie Österreich, Gerard Hofer, who in his excellent fuent Spanish and sharp sense of humor sha-red in his introduction, shared his vision (in English) of construction and energy as two complementary activities.

José Mayor Oreja, who had just arrived from a trip to Israel, analyzed the situation in the Construction division and then gave the foor to his team members, Avelino Acero, Jordi Piera, Javier Lázaro, Alejandro Tuya, Pedro Gómez-Prad, José Luis Álvarez Po-yatos, and Santiago Ruiz.

Before the lunch break, the director of Cor-porate Marketing and Brand, Juan Pablo Merino described the results of a survey that had been conducted previously among those attending the convention. Integrity was considered by most executives as the principle with which they identifed most closely, followed by results essential for increasing the Group’s competitive edge, both aspects being the most widely men-tioned in the nearly 300 questionnaires that had been handed out. On a more humo-rous note, they also said that they believed


FCC Construcción executives, from left to right: Javier Lázaro, deputy manager of Area I

Pedro Gómez-Prad, deputy manager of Studies and Procurement Alejandro Tuya, deputy general manager of Area II Hannes Schluga, assistant to the CEO of Alpine Energie José Mayor, chairman of FCC Construcción

Jordi Piera, deputy general manager and deputy director of Area III Avelino Acero, managing director Santiago Ruiz, deputy director of Area IV

José Luis Poyatos, managing director of Technical Services

FCC Services executives from left to right:

Carlos Barón, general manager of FCC Versia

Aurelio Blasco, general manager of Industrial Waste

Fernando Moreno, general manager of Water Management

Tomás Nuñez, general manager of Inter-national Environment

Agustín García Gila, general manager of National Environmen.

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