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How to use soc

Nowadays, social networks have become communication channels with characteris-tics very similar to those of newspapers, radio and television. Nevertheless, these networks offer the incredible potential of two-way communication, making the user a consumer and, at the same time, a gene-rator of contents.

Companies that want to offer a product or service, have already started to consider social networks as another channel for in-fuencing consumers and for communica-ting with their clients.

This new digital ecosystem is now a full part of the daily lives of many people, increasing its penetration among the community since it can be used in mobile terminals (cell pho-nes, PDAs, tablets, etc.) without having to use a traditional PC.

The launch of these new technologies has

brought social networks closer to users, boosting their interaction and communica-tion capabilities.

Are we aware, however, of the risks to our privacy when we use social networks such as Facebook?

The information we publish and disclose through these media can be used by com-panies for commercial purposes as well as by other people for illegal purposes.

A photograph in an electronic format is more persistent and manipulable that its paper counterpart. Information that we put at the disposal of our friends and contacts could be published and disseminated wi-thout our knowledge and consent.

To avoid these types of problems, the “cy-ber security” European Network and Infor-mation Security Agency (EINSA) published eleven months ago a list of practical advice for users on how to be online more safely, at any place or time. These are the golden rules

1. Consider carefully which images, vi-deos, and information you choose to publish.

2. Never post sensitive or confdential in-formation. Don’t publish your home address or fnancial data in your profle.

3. Use a pseudonym. Accept in your con-tact network only the pseudonyms of people you trust.

4. Do not accept friend requests from people you do not know. It could be people using false identities for purpo-ses other than what they seem (often criminal purposes).

5. Verify all your contacts periodically, eli-minating those that are not necessary or unknown.

6. Use your personal e-mail rather than your work e-mail.

7. Be careful how you portray your com-pany or organization online.

Manager of the Information Security and Computer Risk Management of the FCC Group and member of the Advisory Committee of the European Network and

Information Security Agency

By Gianluca D’Antonio

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