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.A.S.A. works on stabilizing a

thixotropic sludge


in Mydlovary, Czech Republic

Stabilization/solidifcation is one of the main methods used by the company .A.S.A. to remedy ecological damage. This method is used to handle waste when recycling would be impossible or very costly in eco-nomic and technical terms and because dumping it in landfll sites is prohibited or would represent an unacceptable risk for human health or for individual environmen-tal components.

This technology is used to handle solid and liquid waste. The method consists of com-bining this waste with agglutinant reactive agents with the subsequent alteration of its physical and chemical properties. If a stabilized/solidifed product complies with current regulations, it may be used as f-lling material. .A.S.A. group companies are operating several solidifcation units with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons.

In Czechoslovakia’s South Bohemian region

This treated material is being used in the Mydlovary project to stabilize a sludge lago-on produced by the treatment or uranium at the former MAPE Mydlovary processing plant. The sludge lagoons and the MAPE

Consumption of stabilized/solidifed waste for the K IV/E

lagoon is approximately 79,000

tons per annum.

processing plant are situated in southern Bohemia in the Czech Republic, in the central part of the Ceské Budejovice dis-trict, near the municipalities Mydlovary and Olešník.

The purpose of the work being performed as part of this project is to remedy and re-cover thixotropic sludge in the MAPE’s IV/E lagoon in Mydlovary, where the leaching waste from the uranium which was depo-sited in the K IV/E sludge lagoon is up to 25 meters deep. The remediation concept addresses the need for flling and sealing the sludge lagoon to prevent rain or surface

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