Page 6 - FCC-N10-eng

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Seminars of the
FCC Human
On 2 and 3 December FCC organized the
second global Human Resources seminar
in Madrid plus a national meeting of this di-
vision, managed by Francisco Martín Mon-
teagudo, on 1 December.
All the managers and senior staff from the
various national and international compa-
nies and business areas of FCC assembled
at these meetings with clear objective in
mind: to review the strategic plan in force
and the progress achieved in the main pro-
jects that were carried out or were in the
development phase in 2011.
Francisco Martin Monteagudo, managing
director of the FCC Human Resources di-
vision and the corporate directors of this
area, Emilio Hermida and José María Me-
rino, share the same objective which is to
implement the policies and projects aligned
with the company’s global strategy so as
to enhance our effciency, competitiveness,
and to face the important challenge posed
by internationalisation.
These goals share the same vision and
mission; enable the development of these
people management policies in order to
achieve a high level of effciency in human
resources based on new tools and systems
and to encourage a participative, attractive,
and competitive work environment.