Page 24 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

Several activities were organized during the
Christmas season at sports facilities ma-
naged by Aqualia throughout Spain. These
activities included open-door events, inten-
sive classes, and several projects for chil-
dren, such as story-readings, drawings by
the pool, etc. The objective of these initiati-
ves was to increase the number of sports
carries out a client loyalty plan
during the
Christmas holidays
activities organized during this season and
to fulfl the expectations of citizens in the
towns and cities where these sports faci-
lities are located.
The solidarity Indoor Cycle marathon in De-
nia Alicante, organized in collaboration with
the Red Cross one of the many projects
organized at these sites, which also inclu-
ded the swimming competition at Cabezo
de Torres (Murcia) in collaboration with the
NGO “Friends of Mali”. At the Callosa de
Segura centre in Murcia , those who parti-
cipated in the indoor cycle collaborated by
donating toys to various charities, including
Save the Children and Caritas.
The goal of these Christmas season initiati-
ves was to promote the loyalty-building pro-
gram and win new sports facilities clients.
The activities carried out at the Sports Facilities
managed by Aqualia included open-door events,
children’s activities, and solidarity marathons.
At its sports facilities