Page 18 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

The Municipal Government, through Comi-
sión Ciudadana de Agua Potable y Alcan-
tarillado del Municipio de Aguascalientes
(Citizen’s Commission for Drinking Water
and Sewage of the Aguascalientes Towns-
hip, CCAPAMA) jointly with the CONAGUA
(the National Water Commission) and Pro-
activa Medioambiente CAASA, executed
the “Comprehensive Plan for the Improve-
ment of Water Operations” (PIMHO).
The key objectives of PIMOH are as fo-
Improve service
Control pressure and leaks
Increase physical effciency, that is, the
difference between water that is con-
sumed with the water which is extrac-
ted, with the objective of extracting less
water from the aquifer..
This is to be achieved without increasing
water rates thereby benefting the popula-
enters into
an agreement to improve water service in
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Awarded a contract for solid waste
collection in Cancun, Mexico
tion in 45 of the capital city’s urban districts.
This comprehensive plan, which aims to
improve signifcantly the quality, continuity,
and sustainability of citizen services, con-
templates the joint investment of 300 million
pesos for engineering projects and activi-
ties in the city.
Lorena Martínez, the mayor of Aguascalien-
tes, the local representative of CONAGUA,
Efrén Villalón Gifaredo, and Jerôme Cardi-
neau, director of Proactiva Medio Ambien-
te Mexico’s water division were among the
parties which executed the agreement for
the implementation of the PIMHO initiative.
Proactiva Medio Ambiente México through its subsidiary Servicios de Tecnología Am-
biental (SETASA) won a contract solid urban waste collection contract in Cancun.
The township of Benito Juárez, which includes the city of Cancun, is Mexico’s most
important tourist destination and one of the most famous worldwide. It is situated in
Quintana Roo state in the Yucatan Peninsula.
This project will contribute to consolidating Proactiva Medio Ambiente México’s pre-
sence in Cancun, dating back to 2010, thanks to various short-term operation con-
In the centre: Lorena Martínnez, mayor of Aguascalientes; on her right, the local CONAGUA repre-
sentative, Efrén Villalón Figaredo; on his left, Jerôme Cardineau, director of the Water división of
Proactiva Environment, Mexico.